Top artists for week 24 2023
My #lastfm top artists: Bonobo (37), Apparat (29), Hans Zimmer (22), Camel (18)
My #lastfm top artists: Bonobo (37), Apparat (29), Hans Zimmer (22), Camel (18)
My #lastfm top artists: Wilderun (26), Kyuss (23), Mr. Bungle (23), Strapping Young Lad (21)
My #lastfm top artists: Kylesa (42), The Contortionist (40), Between the Buried and Me (31), Galt MacDermot, Tom Pierson (27)
My #lastfm top artists: Converge (29), Osi (27), Thank You Scientist (24), Black Sabbath (19)
My #lastfm top artists: Psychotic Waltz (52), Queens of the Stone Age (34), Rainbow (31), Clutch (26)
My #lastfm top artists: Jethro Tull (38), Cult of Luna (20), The Ocean (15), Pain of Salvation (13)
My #lastfm top artists: The National (7), Gojira (2), Mastodon (2), Opeth (2)